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Mastering Relationships

Front cover of the book Mastering Relationships by Terry Anthony sold on Amazon
Back cover of the book Mastering Relationships by Terry Anthony sold on Amazon

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When you read my work you will notice the theme is about becoming the person you want to be so you can attract the things into your life that you desire. Increase your inner game and your outer game will flow effortlessly. It is not about positive affirmations, although that does help. It is about realizing and expanding yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. So you can increase your talents, love life, finances, health, happiness and anything else you might desire. Life is short, here today gone today. So get off your ass and own your day!!


This book is designed to help you become the person you want to be so you can attract the people into your life that you desire. Helping you create a life of abundance.


"You don’t attract what you want – you attract what you are"……..Wayne Dyer


A strong man, a good leader will take some of the credit when earned and all of the blame when deserved. A weak man will try to reason or lie his way out of his perceived troubles. Which one do you want to be?

Justine Boo

Amazon Review
“Absolutely wonderful. Provides simple and easy to follow tips. Contains Amazing and funny stories throughout the book. A must read for young men and definitely will assist adult men to become better version of themselves!"


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